Max Payne 3 Rockstar CD Key

Platform Rockstar CD Key
TypeLisensi Game Original
SKU: pch-204100 Kategori: Tag:
Jual Rockstar CD Key Max Payne 3

Bagi Max Payne, tragedi yang merenggut orang yang dicintainya bertahun-tahun yang lalu adalah luka yang menolak untuk sembuh. Max bukan lagi seorang polisi, yang hampir bersih dan kecanduan pembunuh rasa sakit, Max bekerja di São Paulo, Brasil, melindungi keluarga mogul real estat kaya Rodrigo Branco, dalam upaya untuk akhirnya melarikan diri dari masa lalunya yang bermasalah. Tetapi ketika berbagai peristiwa berputar di luar kendalinya, Max Payne mendapati dirinya sendirian di jalanan sebuah kota yang tidak dikenalnya, mati-matian mencari kebenaran dan berjuang mencari jalan keluar.

Menggabungkan mekanisme menembak canggih dengan cerita yang gelap dan bengkok, Max Payne 3 adalah pengalaman sinematis yang mulus, sangat detail, dari Rockstar Games.

Perbedaan Edisi

Max Payne 3 Standard hanya berisi base game tanpa DLC/season pass, jika ingin konten tambahan bisa beli Rockstar Pass

Max Payne 3 Complete Edition berisi Max Payne 3 dan 10 DLC yaitu= Max Payne 3: Deathmatch Made In Heaven Pack, Max Payne 3: Painful Memories Pack, Max Payne 3: Hostage Negotiation Pack, Max Payne 3: Local Justice Pack, Max Payne 3: Silent Killer Loadout Pack, Max Payne 3: Cemetery Map, Max Payne 3: Special Edition Pack, Max Payne 3: Deadly Force Burst, Max Payne 3: Pill Bottle Item, Max Payne 3: Classic Max Payne Character

Info Game
Judul: Max Payne 3
Genre: Action
Developer: Rockstar Studios
Publisher: Rockstar Games
Tanggal Rilis: 31 May, 2012
Metacritic: 87
Steam Review:
Fitur Game
Steam Achievements
Partial Controller Support

Max Payne 3 adalah game PC atau game untuk komputer dengan sistem operasi Windows, pastikan komputermu memenuhi syarat sebelum membeli game ini.

Persyaratan Sistem

  • OS: Windows 7 32/64 Service Pack 1
  • Processor: Intel Dual Core 2.4 GHZ –  i7 3930K 6 Core  x 3.06 GHZ / AMD Dual Core 2.6 GHZ – FX8150 8 Core x 3.6 GHZ
  • Memory: 2GB – 16GB
  • Hard Disk Space: 35 Gigs
  • Video Card: NVIDIA® 8600 GT 512MB VRAM – NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 680 2GB VRAM / Radeon HD 3400 512MB VRAM – Radeon HD 7970 3GB VRAM
  • Sound Card: 100% Direct X 9.0 compatible – Direct X 9.0 compatible supporting Dolby Digital Live
  • Additional:Please refer to your hardware manufacturer and for current compatibility information. Some system components such as mobile chipsets,
    Integrated, and AGP graphics cards may be incompatible. Unlisted specifications may not be supported by publisher.
  • Other Requirements: Initial activation requires internet connection and a valid Rockstar Social Club account (13+ to register); Online play requires log-in to Rockstar Social Club (13+); software installation required including GameShield IronWrap; DirectX and Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86).

You must accept the license available online at Non-transferable access to special features such as exclusive, unlockable, downloadable or online content, services, or functions may require single-use serial code, additional fee and/or online account registration (13+). Violation of EULA, Code of Conduct, or other policies may result in restriction or termination of access to game or online account. Access to special features may require internet connection, may not be available to all users, and may, upon 30 days notice, be terminated, modified, or offered under different terms. The content of this videogame is purely fictional, and is not intended to represent or depict any actual event, person, or entity. The makers and publishers of this videogame do not in any way endorse, condone or encourage engaging in any conduct depicted in this videogame. Unauthorized copying, reverse engineering, transmission, public performance, rental, pay for play, or circumvention of copy protection is strictly prohibited.

For information about online services, fees, restrictions, or software license terms that may apply to this game, please visit

Rockstar Games, 622 Broadway, New York, NY, 10012
©2004 – 2014 Rockstar Games, Inc. Rockstar Games, Rockstar Studios, Max Payne, and the Rockstar Games R* marks and logos are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. in the U.S.A. and/or foreign countries. Dolby and the double-D symbols are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories. DTS and the DTS Symbol are registered trademarks of DTS, Inc. and DTS Digital Surround is a trademark of DTS, Inc. Uses Bink Video. Copyright © 1997-2014 by RAD Game Tools, Inc. © 2011 NVIDIA Corporation. NVIDIA, the NVIDIA logo, and The Way It’s Meant To Be Played are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation. Bullet Time is a registered trademark owned by Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. The ratings icon is a trademark of the Entertainment Software Association. All other marks and trademarks are properties of their respective owners. All rights reserved.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang Max Payne 3 silahkan lihat di Steam store pagenya di sini

Spesifikasi Produk

Jenis BarangProduk Digital, berupa kode, tanpa DVD atau barang fisik
Pembatasan NegaraCD key ada kemungkinan tidak bisa diredeem di negara tertentu terutama di luar Indonesia
HargaHarga sesuai tertera di atas, tidak mengikuti toko lain termasuk Steam/Origin
PembayaranTransfer Bank (BCA); Minimarket; Kartu Debit, Virtual Account (ATM Bersama, Bank Mandiri, BNI, BRI, Maybank, CIMB Niaga, Bank Permata); Scan QR (Gopay, OVO, ShopeePay, Dana, LinkAja, BCA Mobile, BTPN Jenius)
PengirimanKode dikirim via email
Ongkos kirimGRATIS, tidak ada biaya pengiriman
Lama PengirimanInstant: Minimarket, Virtual Account, Scan QR
30 Menit: Transfer BCA
2 Hari kerja: Transfer bank dengan sistem Backorder
GaransiGaransi key valid dan bisa diredeem
Kebijakan PengembalianItem yang sudah dibeli tidak dapat ditukar atau dikembalikan
DisclaimerKami adalah retailer, bukan developer game, kami tidak menangani bugs atau memberikan support untuk game tertentu. Tanggung jawab kami hanya masalah lisensi. Tidak ada garansi atau refund jika ada masalah di luar kuasa kami seperti: Komputer tidak kuat, game crash, tidak bisa launch, tidak kompatibel dengan OS tertentu, lupa password, tidak bisa login, game di luar ekspektasi dll
Syarat dan KetentuanDengan membeli produk ini berarti setuju dengan Syarat dan Ketentuan

- Buat akun Social Club
- Download Rockstar Games Launcher, redeem codenya di dalam launcher
Tutorial lengkap bisa dilihat di sini

Produk berupa kode lisensi, tidak ada barang fisik, kode dikirim via email

Harga Max Payne 3 ini bisa berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan

Additional information


- Buat akun Social Club
- Download Rockstar Games Launcher, redeem codenya di dalam launcher
Tutorial lengkap bisa dilihat di sini


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